Short Course A: Deep Dive into Artificial Intelligence in NDE

Date: 21 October 2024 Time: 8:00 AM 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to create systems capable of intelligent behavior, simulating human cognitive functions like learning, problem-solving, and pattern recognition. In the realm of Nondestructive Testing (NDT), AI's potential is vast. AI algorithms, especially machine learning and deep learning models have the potential to analyze certain complex datasets much faster and with greater accuracy than human operators. This advancement is pivotal in fields where swift and precise flaw detection is vital for safety and reliability, such as in aerospace and energy sectors. AI's integration in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods like ultrasonic testing, radiography, and thermography not only enhances the efficiency and accuracy of inspections but also provides comprehensive insights into material conditions. Its predictive analytics capabilities foresee potential failures, enabling preemptive maintenance and reducing costly repairs and downtime. This evolution in NDT practices is significant, as AI opens the door to advanced diagnostic capabilities and the development of smarter, automated systems. The ongoing advancement of AI promises a future in NDT where safety and operational efficiency are substantially improved. Learn about the basics of ML/AI and how it can be used within the world of NDE. Participants will get to know practical examples and how the technology works on a high level. This is the perfect introduction for anybody that wants to learn more about AI and its impact.

 Lennart Schulenburg is an NDT expert and Managing Director at the X-Ray innovator VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions. With a degree in Computational Informatics and an MBA from Germany's top business school, he successfully initiates insightful technology research. Schulenberg is a regular speaker at industry events where he shares the latest trends and innovations in NDT. His motto, “it’s never a problem, rather a challenge,” illustrates Schulenburg's enthusiasm for the transformations driven by Industry 4.0.

Short Course B: Creating Roadmaps for Digital Transformation (NDT 4.0)

Date: 21 October 2024 Time: 12:30 PM

Regardless of its local name, mapa rodoviário, hoja de ruta, fahrplans or feuille de route, Roadmaps through time have been instrumental in guiding and thrusting sociocultural, economic, technological, and even political changes around the world. This un-seminar has been designed to guide the participants through a seven-stage process to create a purposeful mapa rodoviário for the Digital Transformation of Industry 4.0 Environments, including NDE processes and systems. An “Unseminar” is a participant-driven meeting, a shorter version of an “unconference”. This disruptive format has proved very successful because this format of interaction enriches, focus, and streamlines training processes. Unseminars subvert the traditional “expert-centered structure” by prioritizing participant voices as leaders and decision- makers because the content and structure of the event is driven by the unseminar participants! Unlike offering yet another seminar, an unseminar offers expanded interactivity amongst all participants. Ramon Fernandez had the opportunity to lead the team that produced the NDE 4.0 Roadmaps Guidance document that will be published by ICNDT and recently co-authored with Dr. Ripi Singh the book "NDE 4.0: How to Embrace To Thrive Now”. The un-seminar participants will have the option to use our book as reference material to enrich their learning experience along the unseminar and after it.

    Ramón Salvador Fernández Orozco, a civil engineer specializing in structural design, holds a dual MBA in strategic business management and technology and innovation management. He is a certified ASNT NDT Level III in multiple disciplines. Since 1986, he has coordinated quality improvement, automation, and AI projects across four continents and 19 countries. His company, Fercon Group, provides specialized engineering consulting and mentoring to various organizations. He is an active member of several professional councils and committees, and his work has been published and presented internationally.

    Short Course C: Approaches to Establish and Monitor Quality of DR/CT Systems

    Date: 24 October 2024 Time: 8:00 AM 

    This short course will take an in depth look at the quality processes in place to verify and validate digital radiography (DR) and computed tomography (CT). This course will take a quick look at E2737 and how it is setup to monitor the long-term stability of DR systems. The next part of the training will take a detailed look at E1695 and the establishment of stability monitoring for E1695. ASTM standard E1695 measures modulation transfer function (MTF) and contrast discrimination function (CDF) as data points to monitor the quality condition of a CT system and technique. This process can be intimidating, but the implementation of it is vital for critical use components such as aerospace and medical devices. The course will look at real time processing of this data and how it relates to defect detectability. The class will also discuss representative quality Indicators (RQI) and how they fit into the quality process for CT. Once the standards and components are aligned it will give operators and manufacturers the level of confidence needed to supply a quality analysis of test objects.

      Kyle Stoll is the NDT Program Manager and Responsible Level 3 for Nikon Metrology. Kyle is responsible for quality of inspection for computed tomography and digital radiography along with the qualification/certification of individuals that perform testing at Nikon. Kyle received his Level 3 certification from the American Society of Nondestructive Testing in 2013, along with certification in accordance with the National Aerospace Standard 410. Prior to working for Nikon Kyle spent 12 years working for the Department of Defense using computed tomography for research and development of Navy munitions. He sits on a variety of committees involved in nondestructive testing most notably the E07 committee on nondestructive testing for the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM).

      Short Course D: Power of NDE Digitalization – Timing is Everything

      Date: 24 October 2024 Time: 02:00 PM

      Digitalization of NDE” is about re-imagining the inspection process that fully uses the Digital NDT equipment to enhance inspection outcomes, improve inspector safety, and reduce decision cycle time. It is the next logical activity for most inspection programs today, and an intermediate step before heading to complete digital transformation of the inspection business, termed NDE 4.0. Most companies have embarked on their journey to digital transformation, but seem to not include NDT community, out of their ignorance. This course is aimed at providing NDT practitioners and managers with basic knowledge of why and what should they do to maintain their relevancy through Industry 4.0.

        Dr. Ripi Singh, a purposeful innovation coach, began his career in 1992 as a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Tech, focusing on aging airplane programs. His extensive research on fatigue, fracture, damage tolerance, and human factors in NDE is well-documented and widely referenced. Dr. Singh is now dedicated to integrating Industry 4.0 perspectives and innovation processes into the NDE community and local startup ecosystem through virtual coaching, lectures, and articles. He serves on various university advisory boards, the US delegation to ISO 56000 on Innovation Management, and the International Association of Innovation Professionals. An author of 20 books and over 150 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Singh also contributes to the "NDE Outlook" column for Material Evaluation. Alongside Johannes, he co-authored "The World of NDE 4.0" and co-edited the Handbook of NDE 4.0, earning the 2022 Robert C. McMaster Medal for their work with ASNT.

        Questions? Contact the Education Department at

        ASNT Short Courses are instructor-led courses conducted in person. They feature various topics addressing relevant technologies, NDT/NDE, and management techniques. The courses are designed to be interactive and are application-oriented to provide job relevance. The instructors are content experts with industry experience and on-the-job experience. ASNT Short Courses are approved for ASNT NDT Level II and Level III, IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and Professional Development Hours (PDHs). 

        About the courses:

        • Short Courses are sold separately.
        • Each course is 4 hours.
        • The courses range from $450 to $625. The fee will go up after 28 September 2024 
        • Each course is 4 hours. The Course includes material, handouts, and a certificate upon completion.  
        • The instructor will give a knowledge test to each attendee at the end of the course.


        • To attend you must register on or before 18 October 2024.
        • After 18 October 2024 you will need to contact ASNT Staff.
        • Qualification: The course is designed for Level II and/or Level IIIs. A certification is not required to attend the course.
        • Must attend in-person.
        • You will receive a certificate upon completion.
        • Contact Hours: 4 IACET CEUs: .25
        • For ASNT recertification you will receive 1.0 B points.