Important Dates
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) will host the 17th International Symposium on the Nondestructive Characterization of Materials 15 – 17 August 2023. Make plans now to participate in this forum for the exchange of advances in nondestructive evaluation.
The Program Committee seeks the following proposals:
Proposals Should:
Prospective presenters are requested to submit 250-word abstracts. Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and those accepted will be scheduled in the program. Upon acceptance, additional instructions will be emailed to the presenting author regarding presentation details and instructions for preparing a paper summary for the Conference proceedings.ASNT strives to provide a forum for objective presentation of ideas and knowledge free of commercialism—presentations are not meant to be sales pitches. The use of trade names, company identifications, or product names in oral and visual presentations, abstracts, and papers should be avoided.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
1-614-274-6003 x 733