Digital Imagining will feature several informative and engaging keynote, plenary speaker, and Invited presenters

    Keynote Presentation | Tuesday, 9 May

Lessons learned from Developing a High-Energy Hyperspectral Computed Tomography System for Industrial and Security Based Applications: Anode Fabrication and Performance
Edward Jimenez, PhD
Principal Optical Engineer and Scientist
Sandia National Labs

Hyperspectral Computed Tomography (HCT) has shown potential in being leveraged for several non-destructive evaluation applications such as material identification and classification. At ASNT Digital Imaging 2022, we showed that Sandia National Laboratories is developing an HCT capability for a variety of national security applications. This development effort has included system design, novel hardware fabrication, laboratory experiments, algorithm development, as well as Monte-Carlo simulations to design and build a system that is optimized for signal quality and data acquisition efficiency. This work will present a continuation of the lessons learned as we further this exciting technology. Namely, we will present spectral and imaging results from the fabrication of multi-metal patterned anodes for reflection and transmission x-ray sources. With the successful development of this capability, an opportunity exists to revolutionize a technology whose data has largely remained unchanged for over fifty years. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.


Dr. Edward Jimenez received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona and is an Optical Engineer and Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He conducts research in various aspects of Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques in X-ray Computed Tomography. Currently, Dr. Jimenez is investigating and developing Hyperspectral X-Ray Computed Tomography for Industrial and Security based applications. Specifically, Dr. Jimenez is leveraging Hyperspectral CT to improve image quality as well as to perform material identification of the interrogated object with the fidelity that greatly surpasses the current state of the art.

         Plenary Presentation 

CT Used to Study the Bones, Now Fossils, of a 40-Million-Year-Old Walking Whale  

Wednesday, 10 May | 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM | 

Raul Leon | President | Materials Research & Technology

After more than 40 million years these fossils behave more like rocks than bones, but in most of the cases of the petrified bones of this walking whale remain in great shape and the thickness of the bones, the internal structures were able to be characterized. The combination of paleontologists from universities and museums of Germany, France & Peru, combined with the advanced Computer Tomography capabilities of Materials Research & Technology in their laboratory in South America made possible to scan most of the bones of the walking whale, and valuable information about these mammals have been collected. Our presentation in the ASNT Digital Imaging for NDT Research will allow us to present the parameters used, procedures developed, the difficulties encountered, and how these were resolved. This Know How regarding inspection of fossils increases our NDT capabilities. We have been contacted by other museums and universities around the world in order to help the paleontologists in their quest to solve important mysteries of the past of our world. Digital Imaging is at the forefront of NDT technology. Having the opportunity to work with other experts, in the case paleontologists, have improved our capacity to perform better 3D reconstructions, and given us know how, perspective and latitude regarding modern Computer Tomography.

   Thursday Workshop 

Artificial Intelligence in X-ray and CT Imaging

       Thursday, 11 May | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Dana Begun, PhD | CT Specialist | Zeiss

Over the last few decades, X-ray and computed tomography (CT) imaging have become increasingly critical for nondestructive evaluation and inspection across a wide range of industries. As industries mature, there is a continual shift towards higher throughput and automation. This demand for speed and automation has put new demands on the technologies used for inspection. To meet these requirements, there has been a dramatic shift in X-ray/CT imaging toward incorporating numerous Artificial Intelligence tools. This presentation will discuss how these advanced computation methods can benefit the industry by increasing imaging speed and inspection accuracy. The topics covered will include advanced reconstruction methods, 2D automated defect detection, and machine learning-based defect algorithm development for CT.


Dana Begun is an Application Engineer – CT Specialist at ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions. She has over 15 years of experience working in X-ray and CT imaging. Dana works on novel and advanced imaging methods across all industries and applications. Dana has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Anthropology from the University of Michigan and is a member of ASTM and ASNT committees focusing on CT and X-ray imaging.

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